Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Toronto Stock Exchange vs Spain Index

S&P/TSX 60 vs IBEX35

It´s quite clear, that all markets in the world move normally with the same trend. Some times they slow down and sometimes they speed up.

All the markets are organized and pretty much all hedge fund and big companies control all the movements in the world.

With this chart, a normal person, will think there cannot be any possible comparison between Canada and Spain, because they live in different realities.

As you can see there it´s a quite similarity between both charts, with the TOP and BOTTOWN in differente colours so it´s quite clear how normally Spain Index was making higher bit earlier.

(Just Click to Enlarge the chart)

In both cases you just have to follow the Red Trend Line, and wait until it´s broken to enter long in any chart. Buy above the red trend line.

In my study of the past to try to have an answer for the future, i think that the Toronto Stock Exchange will suffer a major correction in the next months.

I have compared the red circle (mayor tops) and in my opinion the TSX60 it´s taking in place a mayor top, had lost the green treen line of short term and in case there it´s a weekly close under 640 level   there will be a high chances to go in the next months to the 500 level.

The Blue Horizontal Line marks the Big Support for each market and will be a big resistence in the future. Sell under the Blue Horizontal Line in case it haven´t benn done.

As you can see in Spain, above that blue line the market it´s bullish and under it´s bearish, so no long positions should be open under that blue line and all longs position should be close.

Just be aware of the past and learn, so you can avoid any possible crash of the markets.

Be smart and always protect your position with a Stop Loss order.

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